A Musical Score at the End of the World
for Tarwuk
Hand sewn patterns contort
the body- painted
faces appear on a stage-
a canvas emerges-
a child’s glance underscores
what we already question
Should we follow the living?
Across from their painting I
watch the image transfixed-
the color- in pattern -pulls memories
to form or give balance to-
a song scored on the body-
an imprint of visceral language
I saw a rose bloom
in the dead of night
The energy- in their studio-
it surrounds my vision
and welds my rhythm begins to tune
multiple voices whispering-
the arrival of a poem
is embroidered between us-
A tangerine is peeled
An unstruck sound is released
This syncing of minds
reading minds -an ancient
breathing of the same beat-
a pulse shared with others-
it’s a sacred way
of being
To see this space-
their images-
their sculptures-
these portals –
Is to arrive together as one-
in a singular breath
- Jen Fisher
TARWUK have exhibited their work over the past seven years with shows in Berlin; Vienna; Zagreb; at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka, Croatia; the Museum of Fine Art Osijek; the Ethnographic Museum in Pazin; and most recently at Martos Gallery in New York. They are currently in residence in the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program. In October 2021, they will present a solo exhibition at the Collezione Maramotti in Reggio Emilia, Italy.